Local Attractions
http://www.nhstateparks.org/explore/state-parks/monadnock-state-park.aspx (One of the two most hiked mountains in the world – the other is Mt. Fuji in Japan!)
http://www.nhstateparks.org/explore/state-parks/rhododendron-state-park.aspx (Wild rhododendron flowers in July, and Little Monadnock is a wonderful hike in this park)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metacomet-Monadnock_Trail (M&M trail, part of the Appalachian Trail, in southern NH)
http://home.comcast.net/~tm01001/mmtrail.htm (days hikes from M&M trail)
http://www.nhstateparks.com/miller.html (Pack Monadnock is a terrific hike and you can see for miles from the Fire Tower.)
http://trailsnet.com/trails/cheshire-rail-trail/ (Wonderful trail, wandering along the former railroad, but the Depot Store in Fitzwilliam is now closed.)