How Do I
- Usefull Information
- What are town office hours?
- When do I need a construction permit
- How do I contact the Land Use Department
- Transfer Station Information
- Rental of Town Property
- Find Property Assessment Information
- Find Property Tax Payment Information
- How do I file an abatement/exemption application
- License my Dog
- Register to Vote
- Register My Car
- Useful Links
- Library Website
What are town office hours?
What are the Town Hall hours?
- The Selectmen's Office is open Monday 8:30-12:30, Wednesday 4-8 and Tuesday & Thursday 1-5
- The Town Clerk is open Monday 8:30-12:30, Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 4-8 and Thursday 1-5. The Office is closed on Friday
- The Tax Collector is open Monday 9-12, Tuesday & Thursday 1-4 and Wednesday 6-8. The office is closed on Friday.
- Please refer to subsections for other office hours
When do I need a construction permit
construction permits are required for all new construction, additions to and renovations of any building or building system, both interior and exterior, within the town. If you are unsure of whether or not your project requires a construction permit, please call Rhonda Sheats in the Board of Selectmen's Office at 585-7723. Construction permit applications and instructions can be picked up during regular open hours and are also available on the town website:
How do I contact the Land Use Department
Land Use Office Town Hall/Land Use Open Hours Phone 603-585-9119
Monday & Friday: 8:30 – 12:30 PM
Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30 – 4:00PM
Wednesday: By Appointment
Planning Board Planning Board
meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM, unless noticed otherwise.
Preliminary consultation – required - meet with the Planning Board to discuss a project you are considering, including subdivision, commercial use of land, opening a new home business, and development proposals in any Overlay District; no application required, but call for an appointment.
Public Hearing – must have a preliminary consultation first - application to the Planning Board to begin a project, including a subdivision, lot line adjustment, excavation, nonresidential/commercial site plans and multifamily development site plans; conditional use permits. Hearing will be scheduled following preliminary consultation and upon submission of complete application and fee at least 15 days prior to public hearing.
Zoning Board Zoning Board
meets at 7:00 PM on second Tuesday of the month, when there is a case.
Historic District Commission
meets at 4:00 PM on second Thursday of the month, when there is a case.
Land Use Office (Town Hall)
Land Use Assistant PO Box 725 13 Templeton Turnpike Fitzwilliam, NH 03447 603-585-9119
Transfer Station Information
The Fitzwilliam Transfer Station is located at 249 Rt 12N, Fitzwilliam, NH. A valid permit is required, these can be obtained in the Town Clerks office
Hours - Tuesday & Thursday 1:00pm-5:45 pm and Saturday 8:00 am-4:45 pm
Rental of Town Property
Find Property Assessment Information
Avitar Associates of NE
Find Property Tax Payment Information
How do I file an abatement/exemption application
License my Dog
Register to Vote
Register My Car
Useful Links
Avitar Associates of NE
NH Tax Kiosk
NH Dept. of Revenue
Monadnock Regional School District
State Government
Fitzwilliam Village Water District