Tuesday, December 24th - Regular operating hours

Thursday, December 26th - Closed


The Fitzwilliam Transfer Station is located at 249 Rt 12N, Fitzwilliam, NH

A valid permit is required, these can be obtained in the Town Clerks office

We have been working with NHDES on the Best Management Practice for disposal of invasive species at the Town Transfer Station.  In the past we allowed these species to be dumped in with the compost or burn pile, but after several trainings it has been determined that the best process is to place these items in the burn pile only.  Please make sure when you bring these items in your load is secure so that invasive plants to not fly away and only place them in the burn pile not the compost pile.                                     



The Town has participated in the Keene Household Hazardous Waste Collection days for several years.   We have decided to approach this in a different manner than in the past.  We previously paid the City of Keene for these services and there was no charge to you for dropping off these items in Keene.   We are now going to approach this by a direct reimbursement to our residents.   Please be advised starting  if you bring items to Keene, you will be charged.  Please obtain a receipt and bring this to the Board of Selectmen’s office for reimbursement.  The current charges are as follows:

-          Up to 10 gallons - $95.00

-          Over 10 gallons, up to 20 gallons - $190.00

-          Over 20 gallons, up to 50 gallons - $470.00   



Household Hazardous Waste
 The average household throws 15.5 pounds of hazardous materials into the trash each year. Household hazardous materials are disposed of in other ways too. Certain products, such as used oil, are sometimes poured down storm drains and many products end up going down the sink drain into septic systems or sewers.

Flammable or reactive household chemicals can release toxic fumes or even explode if they are mixed together in the trash, causing fires or injuries. Dumping solvents into septic systems or landfills may contaminate ground and surface waters, ruining drinking water and killing fish and wildlife. Pesticides can damage sewage treatment plants, and oil poured into storm drains can flow directly into streams and ponds.