
Economic Development Committee


It is the mission of the Fitzwilliam Economic Development Committee to enhance the vitality of the local economy by attracting new businesses, supporting existing businesses and attracting complementary commerce.  We seek to build community by strengthening relationships while preserving the rural character of the town. 

The committee meets once a month at the Fitzwilliam Town Hall at 7:00 pm.  Committee meetings are open to the public, we welcome you to join us and share your thoughts. 

Contact email:


Funding for the following town sign was approved during the Town Meeting. The target location is for the corner of Rte 119 and Rte 12. Final details are still in progress, but we thought the community would like to see what the sign will look like.


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Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship The Hannah Grimes Center provides incubator space for startup businesses, including the space, tools, and connections that innovative entrepreneurs need to build strong businesses, thriving local economies and vibrant communities in the Monadnock Region. Hannah Grimes is a huge asset to the Region with its many offerings of programs, coaching and overall assistance to budding entrepreneurs.
Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC) Fitzwilliam is a member of SWRPC, and continues to tap into their expertise on various projects. SWRPC is consistently working on enhancing the economic viability of the Monadnock Region and is currently updating its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). SWRPC CEDS
Keene and Peterborough Chamber of Commerce The Chamber has many networking activities, promotions for the Region and educational events.
Monadnock Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) MEDC is one of nine non-profit regional development corporations in the State of New Hampshire. Focused on the Monadnock Region, MEDC concentrates efforts on business recruitment, retention, relocation, and expansion as well as downtown revitalization and rehabilitation projects. In addition to technical assistance and project development, MEDC offers commercial loans to organizations looking to grow the local and regional economy. This organization is currently in rebuilding stages.